Emily Sigman

Academic Year: 
From Yale
Exchange Partners: 
University of Ghana
Project Title: 
Cocoa Stories: Linking Cocoa's Past, Present, and Future

Emily Sigman is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow pursuing dual degrees at the Yale School of Forestry and the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs.  Emily’s research interests include food systems,  inter-species relationships, and social-ecological systems and restoration.  She shares her work widely in blogs, articles, and books, and through conference presentations and public lectures.  Emily also regularly organizes interactive community events and knowledge-sharing workshops.  She speaks five languages, and enjoys–among much else–gardening, foraging, swimming, hiking, dancing, crafting, and spending time with animals, including humans.  Emily is an advocate for slow, low-carbon transportation and began her Fox Fellowship by traveling from New Haven to Ghana entirely by commercial freighter ship and rail.