Joao Marcos Mott Pavanelli

Academic Year: 
To Yale
Exchange Partners: 
University of Sao Paulo
Project Title: 
Energy Transitions: Institutional Predictive For Reproduction And Change In Sources Of Electricity Generation

Joao Pavanelli concluded a B.A. in Marketing at the University of São Paulo (2012) and has ten years’ experience as a consultant in different companies from diverse markets (covering mainly strategy, sales, and branding projects). In 2016, he achieved his M.A. in Sustainability (MSc. of Science) at the University of São Paulo, focusing on the influence of formal and informal institutional aspects over preferences for modes and sources of generation in the Brazilian electric sector. The research resulted in a hybrid institutional analytical model capable of describing institutional phenomena throughout historical trajectories. His main interests concerns transposing the proposed analytical model to another electric sector within a regional or national historical trajectory, in order to identify suitable scenarios for energy transitions towards clean and renewable energy sources.